Social activities

Every year our volunteers and parents get involved in social activities organized by us or the Municipality of Larissa or other organizations of our town.

Bazaar “Old and Loved Ones”

Every year, since 2000, we organise for 10 days the bazaar “Old and Loved Ones”. The idea originated from the friends of the association, who organize it every year by imparting to our fellow citizens their love and enthusiasm: one’s old belongings (books, cds, toys, accessories, jewellery, embroidery/ needlecraft etc - besides clothing) may become the new loved ones of someone else.

If you are willing to be parted with your old belongings or you want to acquire new loved ones and thus assisting the Association to achieve its goals, then the “Old and Loved Ones” is your chance to do so.

The event takes place annually, approximately at the end of October, in a previously announced establishment. Over the last years, the bazaar is hosted in a shop at 4 Koumoundourou Str. in Larissa, a courtesy of the S. Ziazia Institution.

You may bring your old belongings throughout the year. Contact number +30 2410 613112

Traditional Village

Each year we participate in the event “Traditional Village” that is being organized by the Municipality of Larissa.

You may find us at our kiosk where we exhibit our Easter related creations, Easter candles and small ornaments made by the Day Centre Hara I and our volunteers.